Thursday, December 6, 2007

Padilla's I love your tree! The ornaments are so artistic and beautiful! Great work decorating a tree that has personal sentiment attached to it.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sea Shell Christmas Tree

We made our Christmas Tree ornaments out of the sea shells we found in Florida and Mexico. Here are some of the creations Rafael made. I didn't have room for all of them, but will post the last few after this. Merry Christmas!!!

The Beauties of the Grand Canyon

We also got to go to the Grand Canyon. It turned out to be a beautiful day and Austin didn't want to leave.

Polar Express with Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs

We sure had fun with Grandma and Grandpa on the Polar Express. Although the Train company couldn't afford to send us all the way to the real North Pole, Santa came on board the train to give us the first gift of Christmas (Thank goodness or Auriah would have been really mad!)

Those were sure cute pictures of Abigail and Isaac. I love that Tooele cowboy look!


Abigail's latest love is riding her pony.
The second picture is how she gets off...she pushes herself all the way back and drops down! its pretty funny to watch!

ISAAC'S Big Day!

Isaac posing for his birthday picture as a REAL COWBOY!!

Isaac's Birthday party on Saturday...He loves all his presents! THANK YOU!


Isaac Loved Playing in the leaves while we were cleaning up our yard!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Rosenbergs, Have you been on the blog yet?
How fun to see your pictures Padillas! So is Sedona in Arizona? Where are you guys spending Thanksgiving?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Padilla's Weekend in Sedona

This is so fun to see pictures of everyone! Poor Jason and his arm. It looks like Abigail's hair is RED!! We went camping in Sedona last weekend. We thought it would be warm enough..... it wasn't. We nearly froze to death in our tent. It got down to 29 degrees and we just had our air mattress and some blankets to keep us warm. Needless to say our 2 night camping trip turned into a 1 night trip, we told the kids it wouldn't have been as memorable if it were warm. We giggled much of the night about how uncomfortable we were with the 4 of us squished on a queen air mattress. Here are some pics.

The one with the kids in the water is at a place called Slide Rock. They meant to just get their feet wet, but it isn't called Slide Rock for nothing! Auriah and Austin both slid right into the water. Boy were they cold!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Who knew that Jana hatched from and egg?

Our trip to the Hogle Zoo. Doesn't Jonathan look thrilled to be there!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Jana I absolutely LOVE this picture of you! It reminds me of me...and something your mom would do!
love ya

Monday, November 5, 2007

To be continued...

Jordan you are sooo cool!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Jana's self portrait

Jana taking a picture of herself! Oh ,for the love!!

Jason look a like

Okay, I found this picture of John and I had to put it on here to prove that all of our children look just like John! Where in the world are my genetics (except for the goofy personalities).

I thought this looked just like Jason.

I have to say I was quite impressed with Auriah and Rafael's yoga poses!

To Be Continued...


Check out the pictures of Jenn in the Water! Thanks to Jonathan!! Jonathan sure is a die hard!!!


THis is Jason with a broken Elbow...Jenn can tell you the rest!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Check it all out!

okay just so you know in case you aren't familiar with this Blog not everything will show up that has been posted at an earlier date so if you want to see and read what others have posted you can click on the links on the upper right hand side of the blog.

I love you all!

Andrea thanks for calling last night...I didn't hear it I am really low on minutes until November 8th so you may not hear from me until check this!

Sorry I forgot the picture of Isaac...THis is him at his first day of school and doing his favorite thing! 4wheeling!
also included is a picture of our family very dirty after a long camping trip this year!

Auriah you are so flexible!!! Keep it up!

Good Job Austin on making the honor role and good citizenship!!! Thank is AWESOME!!!

Here is a few cute pictures of Isaac and abigail...I put abi's hair in pig tails for the first time yesterday.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Thanks for this great idea Nicole and Jenn. I have wondered how to do this for a while now. We had a fun Halloween, although Austin boycotted it and didn't go trick or treating. He got dressed up for the Trunk or Treat. He was a herpetologist (Someone who studies reptiles) and Auriah was a witch. Tonight we went to the State Fair and had a great time. The kids and Rafael are already planning what animals we should have on our farm someday. Austin received 4 awards at the 4th grade award assembly this past week. He was on the Honor Roll, got an award for good citizenship, perfect attendance, and extra effort on his work. We were very proud of him! Auriah has taken up yoga with her dad, she is pretty good! Love you all! Danielle

Bear Lake

just a few fun pic. i'll add more later!

Silver Lake


Silver Lake

What fun!
Silver lake is always fun espesially with cousins!!

Hooray for Nicole!

I am so glad that someone finally created a family blog! I will have to post a picture of Jason's cute little broken arm.
Love you all!

What A Cute Couple!!

Family Time

Okay the idea of this blog is to keep in touch with pictures and notes about what is going on in our individual please take a few minutes every month or week to update us with whats New in your home!
Love ya!

Dickson Halloween

We had a lot of fun at our Halloween party and Trick or Treating!