Thursday, December 6, 2007

Padilla's I love your tree! The ornaments are so artistic and beautiful! Great work decorating a tree that has personal sentiment attached to it.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sea Shell Christmas Tree

We made our Christmas Tree ornaments out of the sea shells we found in Florida and Mexico. Here are some of the creations Rafael made. I didn't have room for all of them, but will post the last few after this. Merry Christmas!!!

The Beauties of the Grand Canyon

We also got to go to the Grand Canyon. It turned out to be a beautiful day and Austin didn't want to leave.

Polar Express with Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs

We sure had fun with Grandma and Grandpa on the Polar Express. Although the Train company couldn't afford to send us all the way to the real North Pole, Santa came on board the train to give us the first gift of Christmas (Thank goodness or Auriah would have been really mad!)

Those were sure cute pictures of Abigail and Isaac. I love that Tooele cowboy look!


Abigail's latest love is riding her pony.
The second picture is how she gets off...she pushes herself all the way back and drops down! its pretty funny to watch!

ISAAC'S Big Day!

Isaac posing for his birthday picture as a REAL COWBOY!!

Isaac's Birthday party on Saturday...He loves all his presents! THANK YOU!


Isaac Loved Playing in the leaves while we were cleaning up our yard!