Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Padilla's Weekend in Sedona

This is so fun to see pictures of everyone! Poor Jason and his arm. It looks like Abigail's hair is RED!! We went camping in Sedona last weekend. We thought it would be warm enough..... it wasn't. We nearly froze to death in our tent. It got down to 29 degrees and we just had our air mattress and some blankets to keep us warm. Needless to say our 2 night camping trip turned into a 1 night trip, we told the kids it wouldn't have been as memorable if it were warm. We giggled much of the night about how uncomfortable we were with the 4 of us squished on a queen air mattress. Here are some pics.

The one with the kids in the water is at a place called Slide Rock. They meant to just get their feet wet, but it isn't called Slide Rock for nothing! Auriah and Austin both slid right into the water. Boy were they cold!

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